Monday, 9 April 2012

New author

Hi Jammers!

I have added SnowthehuskeylovesBTR as an author she will post as well as me to help.

If you would like to be a mod just ask me.
Also if you own a signature your welcome to use it (That is if your an author here!)

Thats all now


  1. Hey Spark, Would you like me to Help Too? Just Tell me What to do to be an author and I'll Do it,

  2. Okay, Well I have your E-mail
    You can post when new stuff come out but i'll post about the updates okay

    I sent a request to you

  3. Sparkykat, I was wondering if I could be an author, I've always wanted to be a blog author but I can't find anyone who will take me. So will you tell me, thats if you want me, how you would like me to send you my email.

  4. Hello sorry for the long wait I didn't get your message until now, I will let you hopefully I can trust you to be good at this job because I need authors that are always ready for new posts, You can tell me your email anytime and I need to see your blog.


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