Friday, 6 April 2012

New AJS update

Hi Jammers!

Today there is an update not on Animal Jam but on AJS (My blog)

There will be mods for this blog not just me but people I know really well and can trust.

You won't be able to post or design the mods will just answer questions to other Jammers and help make the blog better!

So Jam on!


  1. Please comment here if you'd like to be a mod for AJS!

  2. Yep okay then it is a very important job, Well you don't have to do it everyday more people can sign up,
    You just have to anwser FAQ and stuff that I can't do...
    So far you, me and I'm sure Tiggywinkle will help are mods (:

  3. Although you might even get to be an author if I need any more help :D


Comments have some rules here...

Please be nice and polite
Please no bullying or fighting
Please no spamming messages
Also please don't use bad language

Thankyou and have fun in AJS!