Monday, 30 April 2012

Rare Monday

New Rare Monday!
Rare Pigtails
2nd to the Last Page
600 gems

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Free Music and Episode for Boredness

Bored from Animal Jam or something else? Find some great music here!

Gym Class Heroes-"Stereo Hearts"

Owl City-"Fireflies" 

Taio Cruz- "Dynamite"

Westlife- "Safe"

Bonus! A free T.V. Episode!

Spongebob Squarepants- Goo Goo Gas (Sorry, speedy and backwards episode only, but very funny)




Animal Jam Parks, owned by me, BeautifulBlackWolf, has some pages, and I noticed that people are taking the same titles of them without permission from me. I'm not trying to be rude, but AJP has a new sidebar text saying, 'Please Do Not Copy Any Titles or Anything From Here Without Permission'. So if you want to have a title of mine I got or something else, please ask, because I don't like having anything copied, and I noticed that Sparkykat38 added something.

First, look at this picture. You see it once you get onto AJS.

The sidebar she added, just like I did, but it's not what I mean by copying.

Second, look at this picture, and check out what it says.

I see, like on my blog, on the 'i' icon, I put in 'Ask BeautifulBlackWolf', for questions. And Sparkykat38 put 'Ask Sparkykat38' for her questions from people.

Final, I click there and see this on the page.

(Click to enlarge)

So then, I see that, and it's practically what I had put. Except the name of the title, just 'Ask'. So I noticed that I put 'Have a question about me or the blog?', and 'Comment your question and it will be posted here!'.

As I noticed this, I thought that I didn't really like it, but since Sparkykat38's one of my best friend's, she can use it as a page.

Thank you, Sparkykat38 for also adding questions to AJS!

New Stuff

There is a new item today at Sunken Treasures - Compass!

And at the Spooky Party is a new Phantom Necklace!

Friday, 27 April 2012

Spooky Party pet glitch!

Hi Jammers!

If you go to a Spooky Party and click here a couple of times....

Look what comes up!
You can get a pet bat awesome!

I wonder if its a glitch or a hidden secret??

AJHQ message

Hey Jammers!
Today when I was in somebodys den with Feelers this show'd up.

Thanks AJHQ for letting me know!

New AJ update!

Hello Jammers!

Sorry for late post yesterday was an update I have been really busy.

This is first on the Jamaa Journal!

If you click the Sssssnake! It says "Are you sure you want to go to Coral Canyons?"

Next there is a new Spooky Party I was thinking of when Halloween is back but its out now I guess! lol

I have been to it and it is very cool!

Next there is an under water best dressed if I had to chose a favourite it would be on land somehow...

Next May's monthley gift is... (Drum roll please!) PHANTOM INVASION!

The Journey book for Appondale (My second favourite land) Has came out!
And you get a sweet prize as I should say fun as well for pets!

Almost finished the den contest winner is Miss Cleverclaw!
The item is Cleverclaw's Dresser!
Congrats Miss Cleverclaw!!!!

Last of all the secret word I ended up with is
Maybe soon in Jamaa giraffes will be in Jamaa running wildly eating leaves off trees!

Jam on!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Ugh... Mean bullies again!

Hi Jammers...
Yep, I'm not happy right now more bullying but not in real this time its REAL Jammers being mean.

Plus I even think one of them is popular....

Here is this Jammer dancing on my bunny which I am really getting annoyed of, Her user is Girlsrock5109.
I think you should report her for doing this below...

I think she was saying that to me that load of typing is Snowflake Icygem the bully Girlsrock5109...
I was only my bunny and I didn't like her doing that I said "stop please" she said "ok" then I said "thank you" AND she kept doing it!

Please report her if possible.

Secondly the other bully was SalamiSpoon06, You wanna know what she did?

Well here it is all here....
I was asking her ONE simple question "What for your flag?" She just ignored me..
Then later she said "oh it didn't show and I didn't even see you" I was there and I knew she was lying..

Then later I asked her again and she said "nothing you have".... look she doesn't even know what I have she just said that and disapeared :( I don't really wear rares or put them on trade of course i'd have something for it..

What do you think of all that do you think that is mean?
If you read this tell me what you think are they mean or nice?

I think that was really rude and mean and I HATE bullying!
I don't like using that word but I do.

Sparkykat38 signing off.

Cake Bake Kitchen

The Cake Bake Kitchen is Back,
Information :
Name : Cake Bake Kitchen
Cost : 4500
Where : Epic Wonders
Members : Yes
Land or Water : Land
Clothes, Den or Music : Den

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Trading here!

Hey Jammers!
Sparkykat38 here.

I am looking for some items it would be great if you could trade me these items on the following!
1. Top hat (For members) (Not orange)
2. Non member scary wings (Known as non member bat wings)
3. Leaf necklace (Maybe pick 3 things of the list, It depends)

Those are my 3 top favourites of what I want so far.
If you are reading this and have those items here is what I am willing to trade for those.

1. Worn blanket (Yellow, Cream)
2. Eyeball mask (blueish colour)
3. Bow and arrows (blue)
4. Flag (blue)
5. Phantom hat (black)
6. Royal blanket (red)
7. Headdress (pink)
8. Yeti mask (light blue)
9. Ledgandary glove (pink)
10. Wood computer
11. Ghosts
12. Underwater AJ cape
13. 2 Jack 'o lanterns
14. Camp fire
15. Spooky old bones (Music)

You can pick 4 items off this list (For non member bat wings and top hat only)
I'm not sure about the Leaf necklace yet.

Happy trading Jammers!

Angler Fish Hat, and other 2 things

Hey Jammers! Old Angler Fish hat is Back, I'm Starting to worry, Animal Jam will keep on Putting rares back, And when EVERY rare is back, What will we have to trade Rares 4 Rares??? I wish they can make up new Items then Put old rare Items Back,
 Angler Fish hat :
Cost : 300 Gems
Where : Bahari Bargains
Underwater or Land : Underwater
Clothing, Den Or Music : Clothing

Left : Shell Chair
Cost : 300 gems
Where : Sunken Treasure
Underwater or Land : Underwater
Clothing, Den or Music : Den

Right : Bubblabrum
Cost : 300 gems
Where : Atlantis Party
Underwater or Land : Underwater
Clothing, Den or Music : Den

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Hello! I'm New!

Hello, Jammers! I'm BeautifulBlackWolf, blogger of Animal Jam Fiery, Animal Jam Parks (My own AJ blog), and this blog by Sparkykat38! I'd like to thank Sparkykat38 for inviting me to contribute to AJS! I'll be posting here often, and I also have to check my blog!


Click here to visit my Transformice blog! 

And part of the title, 'I'm New!', I have this cute video that starts with 'I'm New!'!

Old Panda Hat

Old Panda Hat is back,
Where? Jam-mart
How much? 250
Members? Yes
Den Clothing or Music? Clothing

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

New rare things are back!

Hi Jammers!
Sparkykat38 here!

Today new stuff is availible!

The rare train set is back!
Where? Jam Mart Furnature
How much gems? 250 gems
Den, clothing or music? Den

Flippers are back!
Where? Bahair Bargains
How much gems? 250 gems
Den, clothing or music? Clothing underwater.

Like my new way of telling you about the items?
Or the old way of just saying what it is?

Jam on!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

New Dog Door

New Dog door at the Pet Shop!
Doggy Door
And If you were gonna buy the Rare Jolly Elf Hat, To Late, It's gone.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Help stop the bullies!

Hi Jammers,
Today I have been having trouble with bullying...
Well someone was mean to me and calling me bad names and pinching..
I was in a mixed class with all the same grade as me and I am in a class with one lower and higher,
Well lets go on with the post because it makes me sad talking about it.....

Well, Bullying NEEDS to really STOP!
If your reading this and you are a bully you need to be nice, Please stop and help us!

My class is doing anti-bullying stuff and you better stop now, Don't you notice how it makes people sad?!!
Well it does, Lots of people agree to stop it but some people don't seem to listen and keep bullying...

Well I am having an agreement page of stopping it.
So if you want to stop the bullies please comment saying you agree and you will be added to the page of stopping the bullies.

My 2 friends and I know they said that don't like bullying as well as me.
They are Tiggywinkle and Thracey11 my 2 friends.

So please comment and you will go on the "Stop The Bullies List!".
Thankyou for helping the world for happiness.

Stop Bullying

Hey Jammers! Thracey11 here! If I was Late, Probably, You might already know that Sparkykat38 Got Bullied in School Today,She says she Transfering schools, But Everyone, Keep This a Secret, I was a Bully Way before, I keep on fighting,Teasing and other stuff, Then after being Busted 3 times, I finally Learnt my Lesson, But if you Still bully Here's Something from me to you. (I'll be putting up an Anti-Bullying Club at my Blog) -Blog is: Thracey11's Animal Jam Clash

Please re-post this on your blog.

Dear bullies,

See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he Talked His friend out of suicide.

See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.

See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.

See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home

 in the snow cause his 

family is too poor.

Re-Post this if u r against bullying. I bet 95% of u won't.

Your life would probably not be as harsh as theirs


(Now this is from me)

To all my friends and family who have been bullied. Don't give up. Ignore them. 


Hello Jammers

Hi Jammers!
Sparkykat38 here!

Since my blog isn't getting lots of views latley i'm going to start posting all the time again.
Well, I may not be ALL the time because I have 2 helpers.
They are SnowthehuskeylovesBTR and Thracey11.

I will post still and keep reading AJS!
It will have everything new that comes out and it is getting new stuff coming to it.
Plus! AJS will soon have a new background!

So keep reading!

11th rare Monday

Rare Monday Item :
Rare Jolly Elf Hat
Where to buy: Hot Cocoa Hut
What Part: 1st Page
Interesting Choice AJ HQ

Sunday, 15 April 2012

New Items

(Click Picture to Enlarge)
1. Dog Pillow
Where to buy : Pet Shop
Land or Water : Land
Den or Clothing or Music : Den

2. Anchor Baseball Cap
Where to buy : Atlantis Party
Land or Water : Water
Den or Clothing or Music : Clothing

3. Silver Brick
Where to buy: Epic Wonders
Land or Water : Land
Den Or Clothing or Music : Den

4. (Oops sorry for Mistaken the "s" in the "Sports Car") Sports Car
Where to buy : Epic Wonders
Land Or Water : Water
Den or Clothing or Music : Den

5. Train Trottin
Where to Buy : Horse Party
Land or Water : Both
Den or Clothing or Music : Music

6. Dog toy
Pet Shop

7. Underwater Globe
Sunken Treasures

That's all the Updates for Yesterday and Today! ~Thracey11 :D

Friday, 13 April 2012

Thursday, 12 April 2012

New update in Jamaa!

Hi Jammers!

Its a new update and pet bunnies are here!

Bunnies are rare and new,
So they will only be in Jamaa
For a few days so get your own today!

Also a new party is in Jamaa and I was thinking of an underwater party and there is one!

Now you can buy pet den items for your pets!
There is only a kennel and a bone availible so far.

Monkey hats are back and they are for sale!

Also if you didn't notice the Jamaa Journal has changed...
And there is a contest to design a new den item! Epic!

Last of all there is a new pet game called "Ducky dash".

Jam on!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Monkeys are leaving Jamaa soon!

Hi Jammers

Soon monkeys are leaving Jamaa! I wish they wouldn't because I love them, They might leave this week so you better get one fast!

Monday, 9 April 2012

New author

Hi Jammers!

I have added SnowthehuskeylovesBTR as an author she will post as well as me to help.

If you would like to be a mod just ask me.
Also if you own a signature your welcome to use it (That is if your an author here!)

Thats all now

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Non-member swords are REAL!

Hi Animal Jam explorers!

I saw on Lovelost's blog also some others as well that the non-member swords are real!

They aren't really called non-member swords they are really called Pirate Swords!
Now as I heard that Lovelost said there is maybe not really sure but a code for them but nobody knows what the code is yet...
Anyway I can see that someone called Keykayblack has a Pirate sword (Non-member)
Take a look at this!

It comes in different colours as well!
On my account I have a member one the same colour as that.. Also this will be posted on AJS and will be shown in the "Other blogs" Page.... More stuff okay...

Feelers is helping me with the pages because they seem really handy by the way there are no pages at the moment there soon will be just some little updates that may take a while...

Happy Jamming!

What a full den!!?!?!

Hi Jammers!

Today I went to a den where my friend was well I forgot who but the den was Juicepop74's den
Check out this picture!

(Click to enlarge this picture)
Can you spot some famous people in this picture? Even me?
If you read the small words you will be able to see the picture better...
So who do you see tell me in comments!

As I said this is a very full den it is Juicepop74's but why is it so full?
I was just bored so I did this post it is very random!

Jam on!