Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Hi Jammers!
The old beta item that was deleted is now back in stores!

Sweet! It was very unlikely to come out now! Like I mean really NOW!
Maybe every blanket/cape items are coming out? First Royal Capes, then a rare version of the Star Capes, and now this?

Can't wait to see more!

And here is a reminder of what the rare item was... Which is gone now.

Also for a couple of days I have had a bad cold same with my BFF Tiggywinkle after all I know because we have met.

And today look at my den!

Then this happend more did come

IMPORTANT: Wolfgirl112255 MY FRIEND has copied my look and colours and said this to me in a jam-a-gram something like "get a life lol" And deleted me!

Grrrr people like this really make me mad I will try and track her down for now I have blocked her and I will only unblock if she stops this carrying on.


  1. Hey, Fun picture of the fox hat team ^_^ For some reason on the more blogs mage, it won't let me comment! :o Could you add my blog? Animaljamfreedom.blogspot.com =) Thank yah.

  2. Okay sure and the picture isn't the fox hat team.. o.o

  3. Congrats on having a great blog! Don't let anyone copying you get you down - you are the original Sparkykat :)

  4. Anonymous Girl24 July 2012 at 18:16

    Can you post what you look like? I don't even know what you look like lol


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