Hey Jammers!
The new update has came, And that means penguins are now non member!!
There is also a new penguins only party sounds fun!
In page 2 there is a riddle....
Hmm... The correct answer is....! Foxes!!
And as it says "I am soon coming to Jamaa" That means foxes are coming to Jamaa!! Yay!
They go well with the fox hats! :P
This is page 3
A new Crystal sands Journey Book!
Speaking of crystals today at school in the garden I found very nice and expensive crystals they are very pretty.
The new pet will be out soon I hope its a mouse or ferret or something kewl!
And... Page 4...
The arcade machines are now 250 gems for 2 weeks!
Thats until the next update awesome!
This is page 5 of the Jamaa Journal!
Join the club in June and get a golden glove most people know and some rare items.
Thats about all for now!
But there is a new den item a star fruit chair and in Epic Wonders there is a new golden sword!
Okay NOW thats all...!
Soon the new Jammer Of The Month will be here and the best dressed contest will start!
Jam on!