Sunday, 14 October 2012

I am coming back and hiring!

Hey Jammers!!!
Today I am really happy because AJS has a BRAND new heading and I am going to be hiring some new authors and may be taking some off if they don't post enough but maybe I might take them off.
Author rules
Okay first of all here are rules for working on my blog.
You MUST know me well and I must trust you.
Secondly you must own your own blog and it must have good stats you can't just make an account and have a blog you must have had one for awhile like me.
Thirdley if I say you cannot be one you must not cry about it or beg and say please all the time that just makes things worse.
Please do the rules and I may make a page and start posting again but sorry if I don't, I do not get much time because I need to practise my Violin and I have a workshop to go to on Wednesday so very very busy.
Jam on!
Create your own banner at!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sparkykat!
    I'd absolutely love to contribute to your blog as I'm a huge fan, and also looking for a blog to help for a long time!
    I think you'd really enjoy having me help you as I am a two-year blogger. I find it unfair how your blog has to have good stats, because quite frankly, it's not up to the blog owners/authors how good their blog is going to be. My blog is Animal Jam Splat. And although I don't know you well I'm determined to accomplish that! ^.^
    Maybe we could meet up on Animal Jam sometime and you could interview me?
    Please consider me for your amazing blog!


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