Friday, 24 February 2012

Phantom's Treasure!

 Hi Jammers!

Just posting because a new game in the Sol Arcade catalog, Its Phantoms Treasure from the deep blue!

Also there is a new chat page i made for the blog you can chat to others nicely.
Please read rules as well and be nice!

Oh i almost forgot!
Here were some glitches i saw in Jamaa township it was crazy!

Jam on!


  1. Lol glitches lol. And how do you get your signature so sparkly? I can't get mine like that.....

  2. My pink one cuz i have 3 signatures.
    I didn't make the pink one Feelers did.
    The other 2 I made.

    And... I'm not sure how i did but you can ask BeautifulBlackWolf she has a blog ask her cuz Feelers doesn't go on much now...

  3. How do you put pictures and stuff on the side of your blog?


Comments have some rules here...

Please be nice and polite
Please no bullying or fighting
Please no spamming messages
Also please don't use bad language

Thankyou and have fun in AJS!