Thursday, 26 July 2012

New Song

As seen on my Animal Jam Parks blog, I updated a new song seen in the second post you see at the top of the screen.

Zendaya- Something To Dance For (Rocky Blue; Shake It Up!)

Pretty good for Zendaya, she is already 15 years old and is still on Shake It Up!

☺ ♥ BeautifulBlackWolf ♥ ☺

Friday, 20 July 2012


Hey Jammers!
Sorry I haven't posted lately I have been busy..
But a new update has come!

Yay, also my friend BeautifulBlackWolf became a member!

More new stuff is out like a settings bar and a new den shop in Coral Canyons.
And new stuff in Jam-Mart furniture!

Thats all for now.
Create your own banner at!

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Hey Jammers!

New things are in store I may have not posted yet I have been looking after a gerbil lately his name is Jerry I might post a surprise picture MAYBE.

In Bahari Bargains:

In Jam Mart Clothing yesterday:

Also here is a really mean Jammer thinking I am a scammer... Oh come on I would never scam just because I am being my scary wolf Fauna Snowlily... l:

I suggest you to report mean Jammers like this person so your safe in a nice happy world Jamaa!
Jam on! P.S I am not a scammer!!!!

Create your own banner at!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Early update!

Hey Jammers sorry I wasn't posting I am having a break to spend time with my family but I am posting now so....
An early update!
First here is the new Fantasy Castle den!

Epic and awesome I am trying to save up and buy one!
Anyone know how to earn 7,500 gems fast?

Page 2:

Falling phantoms!
Its a new game calling Falling Phantoms!
You have to dodge the phantoms as your animal it's really fun!
You can find it in Zios oh and a new map!

Page 3:
Same as before it might change though.

Page 4:

A new costume to try out sounds fun!
4,850 Gems is quite alot...

Page 5:

Pet still not here yet...
Yes! I knew it would be a fox they are coming to Jamaa soon I am gonna love that.

Page 6:

The new monthly gift as I showed you in the post back!
And freedom day has a new party to go with it!

In stores:

A rare item I missed to buy one... ):

A new seat that would look good in the Fantasy Castle!

And something new in the Carnival.

Thats about all as I see that is new.

Keep Jamming!
Create your own banner at!