Sunday, 22 January 2012

Meet my new friend!

Hi Jammerz
Im sending a random post because today i meet a new friend called.....

BeautifulBlackWolf!!! She is Feelers sister!

Me and my BFF  Kittykat91112 have meet her today!
and both of them (and Feelers) will be the Buddies Of The Week on my blog too when i have made that.

Jam On!
By Sparkykat38


  1. Hey BeautifulBlackWolf!
    Thanks for joining my Blog!!!

  2. Whoa it worked!!!
    Sorry I was trying something.

  3. I only started to create a blot and didn't finish! Why doing that.

  4. That's awesome!
    I might follow your blog!
    When i get time that is (:


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